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Unto Zeor, Forever (Sime/Gen, Book 2)
Jacqueline Lichtenberg
Of Last Resort
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Battle of Will
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Something Wicked This Way Comes (Volume #2)
Laurann Dohner
Myths and Magic: Legends of Love
Rodello Santos
Avery Vanderlyle
With a Touch (Halloween Rentboys)
Sasha L. Miller
October 2013
started following:
October 2013
started following:
September 2013
reviewed: Without Reservations
date from this re-read - love this one still, love the series actually and am impatient for more.
Without Reservations - J.L. Langley
reviewed: Taking the Dare: Truth or Dare, Book 4
4.5 stars. Danny was hard not to be mad at, as was Morgan, through significant parts of the story. But I was able to get past...
Taking the Dare: Truth or Dare, Book 4 - Lee Brazil
reviewed: My Fair Captain
dates are most recent re-read. wouldn't have expected a year ago that some of my most treasured comfort reads would be MM rom...
My Fair Captain - J.L. Langley
reviewed: Romero and Julian (As We Like it Anthology)
3.5 stars - liked the relationship and the re-telling, and of course the lack of dead people in the end
Romero and Julian (As We Like it Anthology) - Brynn Paulin
reviewed: Packing Heat
liked the very hot story a lot - relationship was believable.
Packing Heat - Kele Moon
reviewed: Surprise! Surprise! (Maitland Maternity-The Beginning #1) (Harlequin American Romance, No 829)
had a hard time with this, given wanting to be respectful of the ways infertility made maddie a crazy person and the frustrat...
Surprise! Surprise! (Maitland Maternity-The Beginning #1) (Harlequin American Romance, No 829) - Tina Leonard
reviewed: Considering Carlysle
not up to her usual standard. the stabbing was too much for so short a story, Carlyle's characterization wasn't consistent - ...
Considering Carlysle - Amber Kell
reviewed: Inferno (Tales of the Were)
liked better than the first, but less than the third which seems disconnected from the first two. very scary things afoot - l...
Inferno - Bianca D'Arc
reviewed: Sweeter Than Wine
think i'll be happier with this one when i've read its predecessor stories. very hot story.
Sweeter Than Wine - Bianca D'Arc
reviewed: Over My Head
choppy. didn't buy the resolution
Over My Head - Wendi Zwaduk
reviewed: Forever Valentine (Caught By Cupid)
am reading these out of order, but hasn't been too confusing. liked this couple a lot, and liked the story acknowledging the ...
Forever Valentine (Caught By Cupid) - Bianca D'Arc
reviewed: Wolf Wanted (Mark of Lycos)
hot demon on wolf action :) liked the prior book a little better - there's a third coming in a couple of weeks am going to o...
Wolf Wanted (Mark of Lycos) - Marie Harte
reviewed: Shameless Playboy (Bad Blood Collection)
really well done angsty relationship between these people no one other than the other knows well. haven't read any of the oth...
Shameless Playboy (Bad Blood Collection) - Caitlin Crews