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Currently reading

Unto Zeor, Forever (Sime/Gen, Book 2)
Jacqueline Lichtenberg
Of Last Resort
Megan Derr
Battle of Will
Sasha L. Miller
Something Wicked This Way Comes (Volume #2)
Laurann Dohner
Myths and Magic: Legends of Love
Rodello Santos
Avery Vanderlyle
With a Touch (Halloween Rentboys)
Sasha L. Miller

Surprise! Surprise! (Maitland Maternity-The Beginning #1) (Harlequin American Romance, No 829)

Surprise! Surprise! (Maitland Maternity-The Beginning #1) (Harlequin American Romance, No 829) - Tina Leonard had a hard time with this, given wanting to be respectful of the ways infertility made maddie a crazy person and the frustration with both the leads' repeated shutting each other out.